Comment #11 on issue 1525 by No integration by substitution

A problem with the use of u, however, is getting rid of it later:

    h[1] >>> f=Function('f');f(2*x).diff(x)
    2*D(f(_u), _u)
    h[2] >>> _.subs(f,cos)
    2*D(cos(_u), _u)
    h[3] >>> _.doit()

But what we want is
    h[4] >>> cos(2*x).diff(x)

So we need a way to replace the u with 2*x. There is no unevaluated subs, so perhaps Limit could do the trick?

    h[7] >>> 2*Limit(f(u).diff(u),u,2*x)
    2*Limit(D(f(u), u), u, 2*x)
    h[8] >>> _.subs(f,cos)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "sympy\core\", line 958, in subs
        return self._subs_old_new(old, new)
      File "sympy\core\", line 101, in wrapper
        func_cache_it_cache[k] = r = func(*args, **kw_args)
      File "sympy\core\", line 967, in _subs_old_new
        return self._eval_subs(old, new)
      File "sympy\core\", line 906, in _eval_subs
        return fallback()
      File "sympy\core\", line 859, in fallback
      File "sympy\core\", line 973, in _eval_subs
        return self.func(*[arg._eval_subs(old, new) for arg in self.args])
    AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_eval_subs'
    h[8] >>> Limit(f(u).diff(u),u,2*x).args
    (D(f(u), u), u, 2*x, '+')

OOPS. Limit has non-Basic args. That should be changed to use -1 and +1 rather than '-' and '+'. The idea is that the Limit when done with doit should return the intended value.

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