
as some of you may have noticed, we had created a


linked from the front page. Everyone is encouraged to participate in
it. It's open to anyone - feel free to create a wiki page about
anything you want.

The google code wiki has a huge disadvantage, that only the members of
the google code sympy project are allowed to edit it. wiki.sympy.org
can be edited by anyone and we hope that it will encourage SymPy users
to help improve SymPy documentation and to take part in the project.

We plan to move all tutorials and docs in there. Only things, that are
relevant to developers, like how to do a release, etc., will stay in
the google wiki.

We were deciding between moinmoin and mediawiki. We chose mediawiki as
a first try, having moinmoin as a second choice if we didn't like it,
but I must say, that I like mediawiki a lot.

Installation was easy, I documented it here (see the "installation
sid" section):


You can use TeX formulas in there, syntax highlighting, upload images,
basically anything that you can do on wikipedia. And it just works.


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