On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Colin Gillespie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I've just found out that it's not 'E' that's causing the problem, it's
>  'S'.
>  sympify('S') #works
>  sympify('S*X') #doesn't work

That's because S is imported in the sympy module:

In [1]: S
Out[1]: S

In [2]: S?
Type:           instance
Base Class:     sympy.core.basic.SingletonFactory
String Form:    S
Namespace:      Interactive
    A map between singleton classes and the corresponding instances.
    E.g. S.Exp == C.Exp()

However, I think sympify shouldn't try to use imported modules imho. i.e:

In [1]: sympify("ab")
Out[1]: ab

In [2]: sympify("abc")
Out[2]: <module 'sympy.abc' from 'sympy/abc.pyc'>

I think [2] should also return a symbol("abc"). What do you think?


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