On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Fredrik Johansson
>  Why does it make sense to cover all equalities and inequalities by
>  this one operator Eq? The present syntax is to me like spelling x*y+z
>  as Add(Add(x,'*',y), '+', z) Doesn't it make more sense to define
>  separate Eq, Ne, Lt, Le, Gt, Ge operators?

That's right. I was mainly concentrating on the == case. I think "Eq,
Ne, Lt, Le, Gt, Ge" is even better solution. Plus I think it's also
useful to have something
like Op(a, b, "<="), so that one can quickly change this from <= to <
or > etc., without having to think if > is Lt, or Le, etc.


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