
what should we do about thirdparty packages? See this issue for rationale:


I'd like to hear more opinions. Should we:

1) leave things as they are now (possibly fixing pyglet's imports so
that we don't have to touch sys.path)
2) remove all thirdparty (put mpmath directly to sympy, for example
sympy/mpmath and remove pyglet). Users will have to install pyglet for
plotting to work.
3) creating a just sympy release tarball and full bateries included
sympy release tarball

For example I only use the hg version, or the Debian package. So one
solution is to leave things as they are in the hg version and then do
3). This of course means more work for the release manager (currently
the job has always remained to me, but I'll happily pass this to
anyone interested:), but I think we should probably do it, as having
pyglet in sympy is obstacle to some people and they have a valid


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