So I think it has become clear what I'm looking to do.  There are many
levels of subexpressions, and equations may be defined by many
different subexpressions.  For those of you familiar with classical
mechanics, you are probably aware of the explosion of the number of
terms that arises as the number of rigid bodies increases.  The
following is a snippet of code from an Autolev script that I've used
to formulate the equations of motion for a benchmark Whipple bicycle
model, with the interpreter response being indicated by an '->' and
the introduction of intermediate variables beginning with the letter

   (99) %         ANGULAR
RELATIONSHIPS                                       %
   (101) % FRAME YAW
   (102) SIMPROT(N,YF,3,q3)
-> (103) Z1 = COS(q3)
-> (104) Z2 = SIN(q3)
-> (105) N_YF = [Z1, -Z2, 0; Z2, Z1, 0; 0, 0, 1]

   (106) % FRAME LEAN
   (107) SIMPROT(YF,LF,1,q4)
-> (108) Z3 = COS(q4)
-> (109) Z4 = SIN(q4)
-> (110) YF_LF = [1, 0, 0; 0, Z3, -Z4; 0, Z4, Z3]

   (112) SIMPROT(LF,R,2,q5)
-> (113) Z5 = COS(q5)
-> (114) Z6 = SIN(q5)
-> (115) LF_R = [Z5, 0, Z6; 0, 1, 0; -Z6, 0, Z5]

   (116) % FRAME PITCH
   (117) SIMPROT(LF,B,2,q6)
-> (118) Z7 = COS(q6)
-> (119) Z8 = SIN(q6)
-> (120) LF_B = [Z7, 0, Z8; 0, 1, 0; -Z8, 0, Z7]

   (122) SIMPROT(B,SF,2,lambda)
-> (123) Z9 = COS(lambda)
-> (124) Z10 = SIN(lambda)
-> (125) B_SF = [Z9, 0, Z10; 0, 1, 0; -Z10, 0, Z9]

   (127) SIMPROT(SF,H,3,q7)
-> (128) Z11 = COS(q7)
-> (129) Z12 = SIN(q7)
-> (130) SF_H = [Z11, -Z12, 0; Z12, Z11, 0; 0, 0, 1]

   (132) SIMPROT(H,HF,2,-lambda)
-> (133) H_HF = [Z9, 0, -Z10; 0, 1, 0; Z10, 0, Z9]

   (135) SIMPROT(H,F,2,q8)
-> (136) Z13 = COS(q8)
-> (137) Z14 = SIN(q8)
-> (138) H_F = [Z13, 0, Z14; 0, 1, 0; -Z14, 0, Z13]

   (140) %         POSITION VECTORS
   (142) % Locate the rear wheel center of mass
   (143) P_NO_RO> = q1*N1> + q2*N2> - rrt*N3> - rr*LF3>
-> (144) P_NO_RO> = -rr*LF3> + q1*N1> + q2*N2> - rrt*N3>

   (145) % Rear contact points
   (146) % We need two points here because one is fixed to the wheel,
   (147) % other is fixed to the ground.  Later when we need to impose
   (148) % nonholonomic constraint, we form the velocity by treating
RN as
   (149) % a point FIXED in C
   (150) P_RO_NR> = rr*LF3> + rrt*N3>
-> (151) P_RO_NR> = rr*LF3> + rrt*N3>

   (152) P_RO_RN> = P_RO_NR>
-> (153) P_RO_RN> = rr*LF3> + rrt*N3>

   (154) % Locate the frame center of mass
   (155) P_RO_BO> = d4*B1> + d5*B3>
-> (156) P_RO_BO> = d4*B1> + d5*B3>

   (157) % Locate the front wheel center of mass
   (158) P_RO_FO> = d1*SF1> + d3*SF3> + d2*H1>
-> (159) P_RO_FO> = d2*H1> + d1*SF1> + d3*SF3>

   (160) % Locate the fork center of mass
   (161) P_RO_HO> = d1*SF1> + d6*HF1> + d7*HF3>
-> (162) P_RO_HO> = d6*HF1> + d7*HF3> + d1*SF1>

   (163) % Front contact points
   (164) % We need two points here because one is fixed to the wheel,
   (165) % other is fixed to the ground.  Later when we need to impose
   (166) % nonholonomic constraint, we form the velocity by treating
FN as
   (167) % a point FIXED in F
   (168) P_FO_NF> = rf*UNITVEC(N3>-DOT(H2>,N3>)*H2>) + rft*N3>
-> (169) Z15 = Z9*Z11
-> (170) Z16 = Z10*Z11
-> (171) Z17 = Z9*Z12
-> (172) Z18 = Z10*Z12
-> (173) H_B = [Z15, Z12, -Z16; -Z17, Z11, Z18; Z10, 0, Z9]
-> (174) Z19 = Z4*Z8
-> (175) Z20 = Z3*Z8
-> (176) Z21 = Z4*Z7
-> (177) Z22 = Z3*Z7
-> (178) B_YF = [Z7, Z19, -Z20; 0, Z3, Z4; Z8, -Z21, Z22]
-> (179) Z23 = Z1*Z7 - Z2*Z19
-> (180) Z24 = Z1*Z19 + Z2*Z7
-> (181) Z25 = Z2*Z3
-> (182) Z26 = Z1*Z3
-> (183) Z27 = Z1*Z8 + Z2*Z21
-> (184) Z28 = Z2*Z8 - Z1*Z21
-> (185) B_N = [Z23, Z24, -Z20; -Z25, Z26, Z4; Z27, Z28, Z22]
-> (186) Z29 = Z15*Z23 - Z12*Z25 - Z16*Z27
-> (187) Z30 = Z12*Z26 + Z15*Z24 - Z16*Z28
-> (188) Z31 = Z4*Z12 - Z15*Z20 - Z16*Z22
-> (189) Z32 = Z18*Z27 - Z11*Z25 - Z17*Z23
-> (190) Z33 = Z11*Z26 + Z18*Z28 - Z17*Z24
-> (191) Z34 = Z4*Z11 + Z17*Z20 + Z18*Z22
-> (192) Z35 = Z9*Z27 + Z10*Z23
-> (193) Z36 = Z9*Z28 + Z10*Z24
-> (194) Z37 = Z9*Z22 - Z10*Z20
-> (195) H_N = [Z29, Z30, Z31; Z32, Z33, Z34; Z35, Z36, Z37]
-> (196) Z38 = 1 - Z34^2
-> (197) Z39 = Z38^0.5
-> (198) Z40 = 1/Z39
-> (199) Z41 = Z34/Z39
-> (200) Z42 = rf*Z41
-> (201) Z43 = rft + rf*Z40
-> (202) P_FO_NF> = -Z42*H2> + Z43*N3>


Lines 98-138:  Here is where the angular relationship of the various
rigid bodies and intermediate frames are defined.  The 'SIMPROT'
command stands for Simple Rotation, and it essentially just generate a
rotation matrix, but notice that it automatically introduces
intermediate variables for the sin and cosine of the angle of

Lines 139-162:  The notation here is a little funky, but basically
'P_NO_RO>' denotes the position vector (hence the 'P'), from the point
NO, to the point RO.  Autolev recognizes 'NO' as the origin of a
Newtonian reference frame that I declared earlier (not shown), and
'RO' as the center of mass location of the rigid body 'R' (also
declared earlier).  Anything with a '>' at the end of it denotes that
it is a vector, and most of the vectors here are the body fixed
vectors of each rigid body (they are created automatically upon
declaration of a rigid body).  Once the orientations of all of the
bodies has been declared, you can work with whichever coordinate
system is most convenient when describing the location of a center of
mass or a point.

Lines 163-202:  This best illustrates the behavior I am trying to
achieve.  Upon entering the definition of 'P_FO_NF>' (the position
vector from the center of the front wheel to the front wheel - ground
contact point), the Autolev interpreter generates 28 intermediate 'Z'
variables before finally forming the final expression.  All of these
intermediate variables somehow involve the generalized coordinates of
the problem at hand (most happen to be angles) and hence they would
vary throughout the course of a numerical integration.  For
comparison, if P_FO_NF> is expressed in the Newtonian frame and no
substitution is used, it looks like:

-> (224) P_FO_NF> = rf*(SIN(q4)*COS(q7)+SIN(q7)*COS(q4)*SIN(lambda
)/(1-(SIN(q4)*COS(q7)+SIN(q7)*COS(q4)*SIN(lambda+q6))^2)^0.5*N1> +
(q4)*SIN(lambda+q6))^2)^0.5*N2> + (rft+rf*(1-

It is easy to see that there are many repeated quantities in the above
expression and it makes sense that they only be computed once.  When
forming expressions for the velocities and accelerations, one can
imagine how long the expressions get after the application of the
chain rule.... many pages long.  I don't know if the method Autolev is
identifying and creating intermediate variables is the best way to do
it because I have seen cases that don't seem to actually simplify the
equations much, but for the most part, it seems to work well.  And, as
was mentioned by somebody else, there must be a trade off between
memory usage and flop usage.  I the problems I have worked on, using
extra memory used has been worth the savings in flops by a large
factor.  For example, the equations of motion for the Whipple bicycle
generated by Autolev are about 77kb, while those same equations
generated by another author's method are about 3.5mb, almost 2 orders
of magnitude larger.  Needless to say, numerical integration times are
much faster with the smaller more compact representation of the
equations of motion.

Essentially what I need to do is parse every equation and identify
subexressions (and then parse those subexpression and identify
subsubexpressions....), and introduce variables for any that are used
more than once.  If a subexpression is found, but doesn't occur more
than once in any of the preceding equations, but then later shows up
in another equation, it would then be introduced as an intermediate
variable.  If they aren't used more than once, then it doesn't make
sense to introduce an intermediate variable for them, unless the goal
is simply just readability.

Any ideas on how to start parsing each equation and accumulating a
list of subexpressions?

I haven't had time to start coding this up in python yet, hopefully
I'll get started on this over the summer.


On Jun 15, 11:28 pm, "Robert Kern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 17:46, Ondrej Certik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Anyway, I created an issue for this:
> >
> I've attached some nominally working code to the issue. Playing with
> it, I see some suboptimal results. First, it's quadratic, but I'm not
> clever enough to think of a way around that. Second, sympy's default
> representation of expressions isn't well-suited for this algorithm (or
> the other way around). For example:
> In [1]: from cse import cse
> In [2]: cse((x-y)*(z-y) + sqrt((x-y)*(z-y)))
> Out[2]:
> ⎛                                                  ⎽⎽⎽⎽   ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎞
> ⎝[(x₀, -y), (x₁, x + x₀), (x₂, x₀ + z)], x₁*x₂ + ╲╱ x₁ *╲╱ x₂ ⎠
> We see that -y gets picked up as term that should be pulled out
> although it only shows up in the context of (x-y). For the typical use
> case, subtraction is an atomic operation, and the representation of
> (x-y) as Add(Mul(NegativeOne(-1), Symbol('y')), Symbol('x')) gets in
> the way.
> Although the input expression has both x1 and x2 under the same
> sqrt(), it gets broken out before the cse() function gets to look at
> it. It would be nice to stuff everything in that term under the same
> sqrt() before cse() operates. This kind of thing pops up from time to
> time in my experience.
> So I think there needs to be a bit of a preprocessing step to optimize
> the expression specifically for cse() before it does its magic.
> Generalizing this to a list of expressions (e.g. my old use case) is
> an exercise left to the reader.
> --
> Robert Kern
> "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless
> enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as
> though it had an underlying truth."
>  -- Umberto Eco
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