Hi Sebastian!

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 1:30 PM, b45ch1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> I'd like to use Sympy to compute gradients and Hessians of real valued
> functions.
> I got this far:
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> from numpy import *
> from sympy import *
> N = 3
> x = [Symbol('x%d'%n) for n in range(N)]
> # define function f: R^N -> R
> f = 1
> for n in range(N):
>        f *= x[n]
> print 'function=',f
> # compute gradient
> g = array([ diff(f,x[n]) for n in range(N)])
> print 'gradient=',g
> # compute Hessian
> H = array([[diff(g[m],x[n]) for m in range(N)] for n in range(N)])
> print 'Hessian=\n',H
> # evaluating the Hessian at x = [0,1,2,3,...,N-1]
> symdict = dict()
> for n in range(N):
>        symdict[x[n]] = n
> H1 = [[H[n,m].subs_dict(symdict).evalf() for n in range(N)] for m in
> range(N)]

In the latest sympy, use just .subs() instead of subs_dict().

> print H1
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------

For the record, here is the output of the above script:

function= x0*x1*x2
gradient= [x1*x2 x0*x2 x0*x1]
[[0 x2 x1]
 [x2 0 x0]
 [x1 x0 0]]
[[0, 2, 1], [2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]

> Now this is very awkward, and I'd like it to be reasonably fast since
> I want to use the gradient and the Hessian for numerical computations.

Evaluating the the Hessian is akward? Or computing it.

> Is there a better way?


> I thought that there might be something like: convert an expression to
> a Python function, since there is also the conversion to Latex and to
> mathml.
> I.e. similar to
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------
> from sympy import *
> x,y,z = symbols('xy')
> f = x*y + y*z
> g = f.to_python_function()
> print g([1.,2.,3.])
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------

In fact, this is already implemented:

In [1]: f = x*y + y*z

In [2]: g = lambdify((x, y, z), f)

In [3]: print g(1, 2, 3)

Start ipython or isympy and do:

In [4]: lambdify?

to read the docstring. You can convert the expression to a python
function, or even to a function using numpy, see the docstring.

However, you don't just need an expression, but an array of
expressions. How do you think this should be handled? I.e. what the
interface should be? An array of python (lambda) functions? Or rather
one python (lambda) function returning an array? How should this
lambda funtion look like? Maybe like this:

def g(x1, x2, x3):
    return array([x1, -x3, x2, ...])

This could be implemented in the lambdify function. Would you like to
give it a try? We'll help you with any questions you might have to
prepare a patch.


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