On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Fredrik Johansson
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 9:40 PM, Ondrej Certik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Unfortunately, some tests are now lot slower. Now:
> You say "some tests"; are there others than the integration tests?

I haven't had time to investigate the others, but I noticed the all
testsuite was roughly 20s slower, so it seems it's just the integrals.
I run benchmarks and I didn't notice any slowdown.

>> Do you know where the problem is?
> No. A pure guess is that some unnecessary conversion started
> happening. Did all the integrals get slower or could it be a bug in
> just one that makes it run abnormally slow?

Seems just test_evalf_integrals. Maybe mpmath is using too big
precision or something.


test_integrals.py:213 test_evalf_integrals ok (9.11)


test_integrals.py:213 test_evalf_integrals ok (34.59)

> The only way to debug this might be to bisect the code with timers to
> see what has and what hasn't gotten slower.

Yep. You can get the code using

git clone git://github.com/certik/sympy.git
cd sympy

This is our latest repo with old mpmath. Then:

git checkout mpmath4

And this gives you the new mpmath.


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