> > But there are probably cases where a simplify is not enough. I do not
> know
> > if there is a more robust way of detecting if an expression is zero.
> Mathematically speaking, no. But in practise, I am sure it is. Try to
> research some literature, and also please create a new issue for each
> expression, that you cannot simplify. Also we should be able to pass a
> custom function for simplifying (zero finding) to our matrix inversion
> method, so that the user can pass there his own super effective zero
> finder, suited for his problems. Could you please create new issues
> for that?

Maybe it is better to just add a warning in the docstring to the matrix
inversion and solve_linear_system functions
 that the solver might have problems if the matrix not simplified. Otherwise
there will be unnecessary overhead if the
expressions are already simple enough. And file all occasions where simplify
cannot detect a zero as a bug.


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