On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Freddie Witherden

> Hi all,
> I am interested if there are currently any plans to add some form of
> precision tracking for variables, be it through sympy or mpmath. The current
> implementation will more than happily compute sin(0.50) to 100+ decimal
> places if asked, even though the argument is only accurate to two decimal
> places.

hi Freddie. Currently you can set the precission (not globaly) with
evalf(precission). For example:

>>> sin(1).evalf(100)

Hope it helps

> In Mathematica this feature is implemented as follows:
> In: N[Sin[SetPrecision[0.50, 2]], 100]
> Out: 0.48
> Notice how even though the sine of 0.5 was requested to 100 places of
> accuracy it was only given to two as that is the maximum allowed by the
> input. Naturally combing of numbers of various precisions is also handled
> automatically.
> Something like this would be very useful for Sympy and would make
> scientific calculations a lot easier.
> Regards, Freddie.

Fabian, http://fseoane.net/blog/

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