Thanks for the help, but I'm still stuck!

> create GeneratingFunction.__new__() with your own arguments and then
> call Poly.__new__() from it, with any preprocessing that you need.

This is what I've got so far:

====== ========

from sympy import Poly

X = Symbol('X')

class GeneratingFunction(Poly):

  def __new__(cls,*coefficients,**kwargs):
    normalization_factor = float(sum(coefficients))
    if normalization_factor: normalized_coefficients = tuple(map
(lambda c: sympify(c / normalization_factor), coefficients))
    else: normalized_coefficients = coefficients
    monomials = tuple(map(lambda i: (i,),xrange(len(coefficients))))

    gf = Poly.__new__(cls,zip
    gf.coefficients = normalized_coefficients
    return gf

===== end ======

>>> from generating_functions import GeneratingFunction
>>> gf = GeneratingFunction(10,4,4,2)
>>> gf = GeneratingFunction(10,4,4,2)
>>> gf(1)
>>> two_moment = gf * gf
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sympy/sympy/polys/", line 952, in __mul__
    self, poly = self.unify_with(other)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sympy/sympy/polys/", line 1525, in unify_with
    other = cls(other, *symbols, **flags)
  File "", line 34, in __new__
    normalization_factor     = float(sum(coefficients))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sympy/sympy/polys/", line 867, in __add__
    self, poly = self.unify_with(other)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sympy/sympy/polys/", line 1525, in unify_with
    other = cls(other, *symbols, **flags)
  File "", line 34, in __new__
    normalization_factor     = float(sum(coefficients))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sympy/sympy/core/", line 1954, in __float__
    raise ValueError("Symbolic value, can't compute")
ValueError: Symbolic value, can't compute

It seems that GeneratingFunction.__new__ is being called internally
with different arguments than I expect whenever arithmetic operations
are called.

> > Can I get the functionality I want by forcing
> > GeneratingFunction.__new__ to perform all the same checks and magic on
> > its argument that Poly.__new__ is already doing?  Is there an easier
> > way?

It seems like the above is the only thing I can do!  The Poly class
can be instantiated using a few different calling schemes (lists,
tuples, dictionaries, &c.) and I'm going to have to anticipate each
scheme and extract the parameters I want from it, all in

Is this correct?
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