Hi Ondrej,

I've tried to figure out exactly where the errors lies, but don't have
anything concrete. Here's what I have come up with:

> >> y=Symbol("pow(A,2)")
> >> Poly(y,y)
Poly(pow(A,2), pow(A,2))

Seems OK.

> >> x=sympify("pow1(PZPZ)")
> >> help(x)
Help on pow1 in module sympy.core.function object:

class pow1(Function)
|  Base class for applied functions.
|  Constructor of undefined classes.
| |  Method resolution order:
|      pow1
|      Function
|      sympy.core.basic.Basic
|      sympy.core.assumptions.AssumeMeths
|      __builtin__.object
> >> Poly(x,x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
 File "/data/ncsg3/pythonModules/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
sympy-0.6.4-py2.5.egg/sympy/polys/polynomial.py", line 310, in __new__
   raise SymbolsError("Invalid symbols: %s" % (symbols,))
sympy.polys.polynomial.SymbolsError: Invalid symbols: (pow1(PZPZ),)

Notice that I've used 'pow1' not 'pow'. I think that sympify creates a
function 'pow1' that Poly doesn't know what to do with. When we change
pow1 -> pow we get the same error, so essentially I think that pow
isn't being associated with power.



On Apr 30, 5:05 pm, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
>  On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 3:01 AM, Colin Gillespie
<c.gilles...@ncl.ac.uk> wrote:
>  > Hi,
>  > In the code:
>  >>>> x=sympify('pow(PZ,2)')
>  >>>> x
>  >     pow(PZ, 2)
>  >>>> Poly(x,Symbol('PZ'))
>  > Traceback (most recent call last):
>  >  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>  >  File "/data/ncsg3/pythonModules/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
>  > sympy-0.6.4-py2.5.egg/sympy/polys/polynomial.py", line 402, in __new__
>  >    terms = Poly._decompose(poly, *symbols)
>  >  File "/data/ncsg3/pythonModules/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
>  > sympy-0.6.4-py2.5.egg/sympy/polys/polynomial.py", line 545, in
>  > _decompose
>  >    raise PolynomialError("Can't decompose %s" % factor)
>  > sympy.polys.polynomial.PolynomialError: Can't decompose pow(PZ, 2)
>  > Is this expected behaviour or should sympify convert pow(PZ,2) to
>  > PZ2?
>  The sympify is indeed wrong. Could you debug what kind of "pow" it
>  generated? It's something different than if you type pow(PZ, 2)
>  yourself, as you can see here:
>  In [1]: sympify("pow(PZ, 2)")
>  Out[1]: pow(PZ, 2)
>  In [2]: var("PZ")
>  Out[2]: PZ
>  In [3]: pow(PZ, 2)
>  Out[3]:
>   2
>  PZ
>  Thanks,
>  Ondrej

Dr Colin Gillespie

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