The match function is the most important part of dsolve.  It relies on
it heavily to determine what type an ODE is to see if it can solve it
and if so how.  Unfortunately, it currently has some issues:

1) Issue 1429 (
id=1429&q=match). The following returns None:
>>> a = Wild('a', exclude=[f(x).diff(x)])
>>> b = Wild('b', exclude=[f(x).diff(x)])
>>> eq = x+f(x) - (x - f(x))*diff(f(x), x)
>>> r = eq.match(a+b*diff(f(x),x))
I want this to return {a:x + f(x), b:-x + f(x)}.  See the issue page
for more.
2) For separable equations (what I plan on working on next), I need to
be able to separate a function f(x,y) into p(x)*q(y) if it is
possible.  If I use the following:
>>> # I have replaced f(x) with y so that it will work with exclude=[x], and I 
>>> leave f(x).diff(x) alone
>>> a = Wild('a', exclude=[f(x).diff(x),x])
>>> c = Wild('c', exclude=[f(x).diff(x),x])
>>> b = Wild('b', exclude=[f(x).diff(x), y])
>>> d = Wild('d', exclude=[f(x).diff(x), y])
>>> me = c*d + a*b*diff(f(x), x)
>>> e1 = (x**2*y - 2*x**2)*diff(f(x), x) - x*y**3
>>> e2 = x**2*(y - 2)*diff(f(x), x) - x*y**3
>>> print e1.match(me)
>>> print e2.match(me)
{c_: y**3, b_: -x**2, a_: 2 - y, d_: -x}

e2 is the same as e1, except that the x**2 has been factored out.

This sort of thing also causes dsolve to fail with an equation p(x,f
(x)) + q(x,f(x))*f(x).diff(x) that it can handle when it is written as
p(x,f(x)) + q1(x,f(x))*f(x).diff(x) + q2(x,f(x))*f(x).diff(x), where
q1 + q2 == q.  match cannot factor out the f(x).diff(x).

3) There are also more advanced ways to split a function into x and y
parts.  Consider the following two expressions, both for which the
variables can be separated:
1 + x + y + x⋅y
factor can handle the second one because it is a polynomial (it equals
I couldn't find any existing function that would split the first one
into exp(x)*exp(y))

So my questions are, are these already implemented somewhere and I am
just missing it?  And if not, should they all go in match, or
somewhere else (e.g., in factor, which must be called before match for
it to work)?

Also some guidance on match would be nice too, since I have now idea
how it works. :)

Aaron Meurer
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