On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Ryan Krauss<ryanli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am running the same version of sympy and python 2.6 and cannot reproduce
> your error either:
> In [6]: a,y=sympy.var('a y')
> In [7]: a
> Out[7]: a
> In [8]: y
> Out[8]: y
> In [9]: sympy.simplify(y**5/a)
> Out[9]: y**5/a
> In [10]: sympy.simplify(a*y**5)
> Out[10]: a*y**5
> In [11]: sympy.__version__
> Out[11]: '0.6.5-git'
> What version of python are you running?

This is what I am getting:

In [1]: a,y=var('a y')

In [2]: simplify(a*y**5)

In [3]: simplify(y**5/a)

Which git commit are you using?

If you do:

$ git branch -v
  aaron       16995ea Changed Mul class so that it does not
automatically combine expononts, unless the exponents are numbers or
if the combined exponent would not be an Add (e.g., exp(x)*exp(2*x)
still goes to exp(3*x). This DOES NOT fix failed tests. It is a
preliminary patch.
  chris       9574270 Solvers: solutions past linear factor found in tsolve
  fabian      5109fd5 Allow Function.eval to return non-instances of Basic.
  logic       02bfaa7 Allow Function.eval to return non-instances of Basic.
  luke        686a377 Proof of concept
  luke2       105ba8f fix
* master      a4a8832 Typo fixed in doc/src/guide.txt (thanks to Toon
  odes-stable cded981 Finished up first order homogeneous differential
equations. They now properly return an Integral class if the equation
cannot be solved explicitly.  Also, I added a ton of tests (every one
from my text!).
  special     dfb5062 jn_zeros implemented and tested
  sqrt        0d4116a Fix for the other issue
  toon        0462e0c Allow SYMPY_TEST_CLEAN_TEMP=never

it prints all branches that you have + their hashes. You are on the
branch with "*", in my case master.


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