Ok, I kind of fixed the rest, see my py3-3 branch at github. Now:

$ SYMPY_USE_CACHE=no python3.1 -c "import sympy"

so sympy at least imports. However, to give you some taste of what is
still in front of us:

============================= test process starts ==============================
executable:   /home/ondrej/usr/bin/python3.1  (3.1.0-final-0)

sympy/core/tests/test_arit.py[42] EEEffEEEEEEEE..EEE....EEE.E...EEEEE...E.EE
sympy/core/tests/test_assumptions.py[27] ...f......................E      [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_basic.py[39] EE.EEEEEEEEE....E.EEEEEEEEEEE.E.EEEEEEE
sympy/core/tests/test_cache.py[1] .                                         [OK]
sympy/core/tests/test_complex.py[10] EEEEEEEEEE                           [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_count_ops.py[1] E                                   [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_diff.py[5] EEE.E                                    [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_equal.py[5] E....                                   [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_eval.py[8] EEEfE..E                                 [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_eval_power.py[9] EE.EE.E.E                          [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_evalf.py[19] .EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.                    [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_facts.py[11] ...........                              [OK]
sympy/core/tests/test_functions.py[?]   Failed to import                  [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_logic.py[10] ..E.......                             [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_match.py[?]   Failed to import                      [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_multidimensional.py[4] EEEE                         [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_numbers.py[29] ...EE...E..EE.....E..EEE...EE        [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_relational.py[5] ..E..                              [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_subs.py[?]   Failed to import                       [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_symbol.py[5] .E...                                  [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_sympify.py[?]   Failed to import                    [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_truediv.py[3] .EE                                   [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/test_var.py[4] ....                                        [OK]

==== tests finished: 111 passed, 4 xfailed, 126 exceptions in 0.70 seconds =====

and this is just the core...

I must say I am disappointed by the 2to3 tool, which is still not quite ready:

1) it breaks on unicode (http://bugs.python.org/issue5093)
2) and it doesn't convert all imports, so still some hand work is needed.
3) it mistakes repr.py from sympy/printing and changes the import to
reprlib (fix by hand is needed)

Besides those improvements to the 2to3 tool, we need to investigate
why hash() stopped working in python 3.0, and then walk test by test
and debug it why it fails in python3.

the .sort() method now doesn't accept cmp() like callback, so we need
to emulate this, fortunately this should be easy. The sys.version_info
is backwards incompatible in python3.1 (it breaks compatibility with
python3.0!), but fortunately a fix is just to add tuple() around it.

In general there are dozens of those little things that just don't
work. I will start by reporting the bugs to the 2to3 tool, so that we
don't have to edit stuff by hand so much at least.


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