Any thoughts on this?

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Ryan Krauss <> wrote:

> Sorry, this is a duplicate post if you follow the disussions on the google
> codesite for this issue.  I wanted to get as much input as possible.
> Following a suggestion from Ondrej, I am replacing 'inline' = True or False
> with 'mode' = 'inline', 'plain', 'equation' or 'equation*' for sympy.latex.
> I need the 'plain' output for my report generation work.  'plain' means
> don't wrap the latex in anything (neither '$...$' nor '\begin{equation*} ..
> \end{equation*}').
> I have this implemented.  It is on my github repo
> git://
> in the branch latex_mode.
> I changed the docstring and doctest and I think they pass (not entirely
> sure how to run doctests, but bin/doctest -v sympy/printing/ seems
> to pass 1 test).  There is also a deprecation message for inline as a karg,
> and I think I handle inline=True and inline=False correctly ('mode'='inline'
> or 'mode'='equation*').
> Ondrej suggested that the default for 'mode' be set to 'plain'.  What are
> the thoughts of the list?  Right now the default for inline is True, which
> would correspond to 'mode' = 'inline'.  I don't really care either way.
> Right now, I have the default set to 'plain', which breaks all the tests in
> printing/  What is the best approach to fixing the tests?  I
> think there are 3 options and I don't care which we choose:
> 1. change the default 'mode' to 'inline' (this is the easiest)
> 2. remove the '$' from the expected test outputs (right hand sides of the
> assertions) to make them the expected plain output
> 3. create an inline_kargs dict and pass it to all the tests (left hand
> sides of the assertions)
> Do those 3 options make sense?  Any thoughts on which is best?
> Thanks,
> Ryan

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