On Aug 1, 5:16 am, "Aaron S. Meurer" <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 31, 2009, at 8:42 PM, Marco wrote:
> This should be easy.  We have a Rational class that is what every  
> rational number is an instance of.  For example, 5/6 as a rational  
> number in SymPy would be represented as Rational(5, 6).  It would be  
> easy to create a RationalSet class that checks to see if something is  
> an instance of Rational or if it has Rational assumptions on it in  
> RationalSet.__contains__().  So for example,
>  >>> Rational(5, 6) in RationalSet
> and
>  >>> a = Symbol('a', rational=True)
>  >>> a in RationalSet
> would both return True.  This should work very nicely with our new  
> assumptions system that we are getting.

We could have Assume(x in QQ) instead of Assume(x, rational=True).
This would be a much nicer syntax imho.

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