On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Rohit Garg <rpg....@gmail.com> wrote:
> First, a few clarifications.
> 1) I am not 100% with sympy internals, but AFAICS a is a sympy
> expression. And sympy only allows single line expressions. By that I
> mean, expressions involving only the 4 arithmetic operators,
> mathematical constants and transcendental functions.
> 2) You are evaluating a lot of different sympy expressions for a lot
> of different values.
> 3) This numerical evaluation of sympy expressions is the bottleneck
> and you wish to speed _this_ particular operation.
> 4) Y is a scalar, ie a real or complex number.
> At the moment, I am sorry but I do not have a solution, but I am
> curious to know if similar speed issues have been raised in the past.
> If many people are asking/have asked for it, I might be able to cook
> something up for sympy.

PS: This is assuming a "yes" for all 4 of the above. :)
> Cheers,
> --
> Rohit Garg
> http://rpg-314.blogspot.com/
> Senior Undergraduate
> Department of Physics
> Indian Institute of Technology
> Bombay

Rohit Garg


Senior Undergraduate
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology

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