Ühel kenal päeval, P, 2010-03-07 kell 14:07, kirjutas Kasun
> hi,
> I have attached the patch with this for rabin's test for
> irreducibility test. Please give me some comments on that.

> +def gf_irreducible_rabin(f, p, K):
> +    """Test for the irreducibility of a polynomial over `GF(p)[x]`.
> +
> +    This is an implementation of the Rabin's irreducibility test
> +    for monic polynomials, which is another probabilistic algortihm.
> +    This test is based on the following theorem

> +
> +    Let p1,p2,...pn be the prime divisors of n, and denote ni = n/pi,
> +    for 1<i<k. A polynomial f in GF(p) of degree n is irreducible in
> +    GF(p), if and only if gcd(f, x^(p^ni)-x mod f ) = 1 for 1 <i<k, and
> +    x^(p^ni)-x | f.

spaces after commas
"1 < i < k" looks better than "1<i<k"
maybe use some other variable name than pi (which is regularily used as 3.14..)
we can use "iff" instead of "if and only if" ;)

I also found the algorithm:
Let p_1, p_2, ..., p_n be all the prime divisors of n, and denote 
n/p_i = n_i, for 1 <= i <= k. A polynomial f in GF_q(x) of degree n 
is irreducible in GF_q(x) iff gcd(f, x^{q^{n_i}} - x mod f) = 1, 
for 1 <= i <= k, and f divides (x^{q^n} - x).

> +
> +    References
> +    ==========
> +    M O Rabin, Probabilistic algorthims in finite fields. SIAM J Comp.,


> +    273 - 280, 1980.
> +
> +    """
> +    n = gf_degree(f)
> +    if n <= 1:
> +        return True
> +
> +    for pi in primefactors(n):
> +        g = gf_pow([1,0], pi^(n/pi), p, K)

Is ^ conjuction (logical AND) or power operator?

Also pi as a variable name issue...

> +        h = gf_sub(g,[1,0],p,K)
> +
> +        if gf_gcd(f, h, p, K)!= K.one and gf_rem(g, h, p, K)!= K.zero:
> +            return False
> +
> +    return True

Also some tests would be nice because I'm not really sure that 
current code actually works...

Priit :)

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