Hi Ondrej

       Thanks for the reply.  I have appended below the
code (which takes more time during trigsimp).  My version
of sympy is, 0.6.7

I have to check on the tips which Aaron has suggested.

from sympy import *
from sympy.printing import print_latex

t    = var('theta'); psi  = var('psi') ; phi  = var('phi')
s_11 = var('s_11') ; s_22 = var('s_22'); s_33 = var('s_33')

def rotmat2(psi,t,phi):
        Rotation about zxz - Euler matrix
        i.e. alpha, beta, gamma - angles in z x z order
        i.e. psi, theta, phi - angles in z x z order
        Molecular frame to lab frame of reference
        # rotn. about z axis
        r_psi   = Matrix([\
                         [ cos(psi),  sin(psi), 0.0],\
                         [-sin(psi),  cos(psi), 0.0],\
                         [   0.0   ,     0.0  , 1.0]])
        # rotn. about x axis
        r_t   = Matrix([\
                     [1.0,              0.0,    0.0 ],\
                 [0.0,   cos(t),        sin(t)],\
             [0.0,      -sin(t),        cos(t)]])
        # rotn. about z axis
        r_phi = Matrix([\
                     [cos(phi) ,sin(phi),  0.0],\
             [-sin(phi),cos(phi),  0.0],\
                 [0.0      ,    0.0 ,  1.0]])
        R = r_psi*r_t*r_phi
        return R

#2nd rank tensor
def T(s_11, s_22, s_33):
        t = Matrix([\
                        [s_11, 0.0, 0.0],\
                        [0.0, s_22, 0.0],\
                        [0.0, 0.0, s_33]])
        return t

def transform_t(psi, t, phi, t_11, t_22, t_33):
        new_t = rotmat2(psi, t, phi)*T(s_11, s_22,
        return new_t

new_t = transform_t(psi, t, phi, s_11, s_22, s_33)

simp_new_t = new_t.applyfunc(lambda x: trigsimp(x, deep=True,


#tex_head = "\documentclass[10pt,landscape]{article}" + '\n' +
+ '\n' + "\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, bm}" + '\n' + "\
\begin{document}" + '\n'               + '\\tiny'

#print '%s' %(tex_head)


#print "\n" + "\end{document}"


On Jun 25, 9:40 pm, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
> Hi Viswanath,
> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 3:07 AM, morovia morovia
> <jallika...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Bastian,
> >    Thanks for your reply.
> >    I would like to have the final function
> > in a symbolic way and later do evalf.  But, the
> > trigsimp with deep and recursive options set
> > to true, did not yield the simplified form.
> > I am not sure how the trigonometry relations
> > are handled.
> > Earlier, I have tried with inverse_ADJ() which
> > keeps it slow, but with only inv it is faster.
> Can you post here the script that generates the trig expressions that
> you  need to simplify? We started to write a better trig solver, but
> it's not finished yet. I CCed Luke, who has been working on it.
> Ondrej

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