
Does anyone know if there is a workaround for this error I get
(from running sympy in Sage)?It seems to be a known issue

- David

sage: from sympy import Function, Derivative, dsolve, symbols
sage: from sympy.abc import x
sage: f = Function("f")(x)
sage: k = symbols('k')
sage: dsolve(Derivative(f(x),x,x)-k^2*f(x), f(x),
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/Users/wdj/sagefiles/sage-4.5.alpha3/<ipython console> in <module>()

in __call__(self, subsdict)
   1944         """Use call as a shortcut for subs, but only support
the dictionary version"""
   1945         if not isinstance(subsdict, dict):
-> 1946             raise TypeError("argument must be a dictionary")
   1947         return self.subs(subsdict)

TypeError: argument must be a dictionary
sage: dsolve(Derivative(f(x),x,x)-k**2*f(x), f(x),
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/Users/wdj/sagefiles/sage-4.5.alpha3/<ipython console> in <module>()

in __call__(self, subsdict)
   1944         """Use call as a shortcut for subs, but only support
the dictionary version"""
   1945         if not isinstance(subsdict, dict):
-> 1946             raise TypeError("argument must be a dictionary")
   1947         return self.subs(subsdict)

TypeError: argument must be a dictionary

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