On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Aaron S. Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I like it.
> One idea is that anyone should be able to edit the post very easily, and it 
> will automatically create a fork, which would be easy to see from the 
> original (something like http://github.com/asmeurer/sympy/network). Making it 
> a git repository like gists would make this really easy to do.  That way, 
> people can easily add comments to the document (maybe even inline comments 
> like GitHub style), but more importantly, with a SymPy notebook, you could do 
> something like, post an equation and paste it somewhere, and say, "I need 
> help solving this equation," (like in a math help forum, or whatever), and 
> then people could go in and edit the notebook and using the sympy functions, 
> show how to do it.  And since everything is networked, it would be easy to 
> work off of other people's work, and you could see all the ideas.
> GitHub should open up the source for these things, so that it would be easy 
> for anyone to just build a sympy session on top of gist.  Actually, a lot of 
> their stuff is open source already (see http://github.com/github)


> The only problem is that as soon as you have something that anybody can use 
> without logging in, you have to have a mechanism for dealing with spam.  Sad, 
> but true.   But maybe just a recaptcha for non-registered users would do the 
> trick.

I think creating a new gist doesn't need to be protected (as long as
you have enough space, or use the google app engine), and for
comments, you need to be registered. Just like github works.


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