I just tested the latest master with Python 2.6.6 rc2 and I got the
exact same test failures.

If this isn't fixed by the final release of Python 2.6.6, I will open
up an issue for it.

By the way, the new release date for Python 2.6.6 final is August 24

Aaron Meurer

[0] - http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6.6/

On Aug 6, 2:54 pm, "Aaron S. Meurer" <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just tried running the tests in master in Python 2.6.6 rc1 [0], and I got 
> some doctest failures.  It looks like they're all things that, if you change 
> them, they will fail in the other Pythons where they are currently passing.  
> I have attached a text file with the failures.  Since this is release 
> candidate of Python, it is possible that the problems are bugs there. More 
> likely, though, it is some intentional changes (the changes are listed at 
> [1]).  I'm posting here to see if anyone else can give more insight.
> Python 2.6.6 final is scheduled for release on August 16 [2].
> [0] -http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6.6/
> [1] -http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6.6/NEWS.txt
> [2] -http://www.google.com/calendar/render?eid=cTFwMXA0OW8wajlmbm1iMzV0dml...
> Aaron Meurer
>  python2.6.6_failures.txt
> 29KViewDownload

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