There's no need to iterate through the expression to do this.  Just use subs, 
i.e., expr.subs({M(1, 2)**n: Symbol('M_1_2_n'), M(-2, 1)**n: 
Symbol('M_neg2_1_n'), …})

Of course, if you want to generate the Symbols automatically, that would 
require you to be a little more clever.

Yes, I would like to try and generate the Symbols automatically. I would wonder if there is a way to obtain the components of the indexed element, such as ['M', '1', '2', 'n'], and then concatenate them together as a string or even a variable. Then I think that .subs() could be used to make the substitution.

(2) For every replacement, a list (or similar data structure) is created with 
the names of the variables [M_1_2_n, M_neg2_1_n, M_neg1_neg1_n].  The list 
contains the names of unique variables, such that if the variable name is 
already in the list, it is not added.  Is it possible to make this a list of 
So it sounds like that is what you want to do.  I guess you need to combine the 
expr.atoms(IndexedElement) with str() or .args and some regular expression 
replacement.  Something like '_'.join([str(t) for t in 
index.args]).replace('-', 'neg'), where index is a M(1, 2, …) element (again a 
very GOOD reason to make n an element of M and not an exponent; it is much 
easier to code that way.


The following sequence of operations can be used to convert an expression with 
indexed elements into a format where the ccode() function can then be used to 
output the expression in C/C++ form.

Hmm.  To me, it seems like ccode() should be able to do this on its own.  Maybe 
you could submit it as a patch to ccode().  Or maybe it really can and neither 
of us know about it.  Øyvind (or anyone)?

Aaron Meurer

That's another good question.  Thanks for your response, Aaron!


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