Your problem comes from using atoms(IndexedBase).  Here is what that gives:

In [24]: expr.atoms(IndexedBase)
Out[24]: set(p)

But this doesn't have the i, j, n args that you want.  I think what you really 
want to do is use atoms(Indexed) (Øyvind, correct me if I am wrong here).  That 

In [23]: expr.atoms(Indexed)
Out[23]: set(p[1, 1, n], p[1, 1, 1 + n], p[1, 2, n], p[1, 2, 1 + n])

Making that change in your script, I get

-A⋅p[1, 2, n] - B⋅p[1, 1, n] = A⋅p[1, 2, 1 + n] + B⋅p[1, 1, 1 + n] + B⋅p[1, 2, 
1 + n] - A⋅p[1, 1, 1 + n]

Which I think is right (at least it has all the n terms on the lhs and n + 1 
terms on the rhs, is that what you wanted?)

Aaron Meurer

On Oct 8, 2010, at 10:34 AM, Nicholas Kinar wrote:

> Hello,
> Looking back at a previous thread 
> (, 
> an interesting procedure was discussed to place p[i,j,n+1] terms on the LHS 
> of the expression.  (Thanks again, Aaron!)  As shown in another sample code 
> below, the procedure uses as_independent() with filter and lambda.
> I am testing this example code with the main branch of sympy, and I receive 
> the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "", line 33, in <module>
>    main()
>  File "", line 29, in main
>    generate_fdtd(expr,n+1)
>  File "", line 21, in generate_fdtd
>    expr3 = expr2.as_independent(*filter(lambda t: t.args[-1] == Idx(n), 
> expr2.atoms(IndexedBase) ) )
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sympy/core/", line 323, 
> in as_independent
>    if term.has(*deps):
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sympy/core/", line 919, 
> in has
>    raise TypeError("has() requires at least 1 argument (got none)")
> TypeError: has() requires at least 1 argument (got none)
> I understand that IndexedBase is now used instead of IndexedElement in the 
> main branch, and I am wondering if something has changed (or if I am missing 
> something again).  What would I have to change to make this code work with 
> the main branch of sympy?
> Nicholas
> #begin sample code
> from sympy import *
> from sympy.tensor import Indexed, Idx, IndexedBase
> from sympy.matrices import *
> p = IndexedBase('p')
> var('deltax deltay delta deltat A B')
> i,j,n = symbols('i j n', integer = True)
> #
> # function to generate the FDTD scheme
> #
> # All p[i,j,n+1] indices should be collected and on the LHS of the expression
> def generate_fdtd(expr, nsolve):
>    expr0 = expr.lhs - expr.rhs
>    expr1 = expr0.expand()
>    w1 = Wild('w1',integer=True)
>    w2 = Wild('w2',integer=True)
>    expr2 = collect(expr1, p[w1, w2, nsolve])
>    expr3 = expr2.as_independent(*filter(lambda t: t.args[-1] == Idx(n), 
> expr2.atoms(IndexedBase) ) ) # error here
>    right = -1 * expr3[0]
>    left = expr3[1]
>    return Eq(left, right.expand())
> def main():
>    expr = Eq( A*p[1,1,n+1] - B*p[1,1,n], B*p[1,1,n+1] + A*p[1,2,n] + 
> B*p[1,2,n+1] + A*p[1,2,n+1])
>    generate_fdtd(expr,n+1)
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>    main()
> # end sample code
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