
> I discovered Sympy just a few months ago, and I'm impressed.
> I started to develope a General Relativity package based on Sympy at my
> University. I've already written classes like Christoffel, Geodesic (which
> computes the geodesic equations),Constants-of-motions (which computes the
> constants of motion from the geodesic equations), Metric, Riemann, Ricci,
> Energy-momentum tensor, Einstein field equations, and more.
> I'm trying to write tensors in the most possible general way by typing in
> equations in the index form as found in books.

This is fantastic.  The Physics capabilities in sympy are rapidly
expanding and we would love to include your relativity stuff in
sympy.physics if you are willing to release it under the BSD license.
There has been work recently on Tensor related things and I think it
would make sense to integrate what you have with the existing stuff.
In addition, we have a few relativity related examples.

Here are some links to the relevant parts of the code base:

If you want to contribute your stuff to sympy (please !) I suggest the

* Create a github account and fork sympy.
* Create a branch in your sympy fork and add your stuff to
* Add tests in sympy.physics.relativity.tests
* Add doctests and docstrings.
* Submit for review as a pull request in github.

We also have an implementation of SU(2) and have though about adding
other groups as well.

A large number of sympy devs are in physics, so we would be very
excited to have you aboard.



> But first I would like to know what's written on  sympy about this subject.
> Thanks a lot.
> --
> Alexander Gallego C.
> Grupo de Fenomenología de Interacciones Fundamentales.
> Instituto de Fí­sica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Y Naturales.
> Universidad de Antioquia.
> --
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Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo

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