On Mar 23, 2011, at 10:20 PM, Tim Lahey wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been thinking about GSoC and looking at the various ideas people have 
> been posting. By the way, I'd like to see perturbation theory included in 
> general (i.e., not just for quantum mechanics) since it's used in stability 
> analysis.

Yes definitely.  Another thing that should not be implemented only in physics.

> I have a few linear algebra related ideas I'd like to see. One is "abstract" 
> linear algebra. That is support for arbitrary matrix and vector calculations. 
> So, one would just indicate that a symbol is a matrix/vector without stating 
> the size. Then you could work with them. The non-commutative support is a 
> start, but the transpose operation would need to be added along with 
> derivatives. I have a Maple worksheet that has a crude version of this. This 
> is used quite a bit in the Ritz approach to Finite Element Analysis.
> The other linear algebra thing to add is support for block matrices. So, one 
> could specify a matrix like
> M = [[A,B],[C,D]] 
> where A, B, C, and D are arbitrary matrices. Then, you could take the inverse 
> and other standard linear algebra. This fits in with the "abstract" linear 
> algebra support. This kind of thing pops up a lot in control theory.
> Cheers,
> Tim.
> ---
> Tim Lahey
> PhD Candidate, Systems Design Engineering
> University of Waterloo
> http://about.me/tjlahey

These sound like good ideas.

By the way, Sherjil Ozair is also applying to do some work on the matrices, but 
I think he is planning on doing different stuff, like sparse matrices and 
integration with the polys ground types (gmpy).  Maybe you could collaborate 
with him to apply to do different things.  There are enough things to do in the 
matrices to cover two projects, I think.  That way (assuming you both had high 
enough quality applications) you could both potentially be accepted at the same 

Otherwise, if you apply to do the exact same thing, we will have to pick one of 
you (again assuming both are good enough to be accepted).

Aaron Meurer

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