
On Mar 29, 2:35 pm, karthik CS <karthik0112...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I am a sophomore undergraduate at IIT Bombay. I have a very strong  
> mathematical
> background. I have spent the last one year exploring  various areas of
> theoretical computer science - from graph theory to communication complexity 
> to
> streaming algorithms through various R&D  Projects. In the meanwhile I have
> collaborated with a friend on a  paper-http://arxiv.org/abs/1102.1636. 
> Previous
> summer I spent Interning  at Affordable Solution Labs, IIT Bombay in building
> various tools for a Govt of India Project to advertise e-learning. The summer 
> of
> 2008, I  attended a nurture camp where topics in Group, Ring and Field Theory,
> Linear Algebra were introduced. And previous to that my summers were  spent in
> attending the International Mathematical Olympiad Training  Camp. Up to date I
> have written around 50000 lines of code mostly in  C++.
> Are there any projects which I might be able to do (further considering  my
> inclination for theoretical computer science and algorithms and also  the fact
> that I am comfortable with C++ and to some extent JAVA and C),  taking  into
> account the constraint that I am a sophomore?

SymPy is written in Python, so you would need to learn it. You already
know programming, so this should be easy. Have a look at the official
Python tutorial or one of the many other resources for learning

We have an extensive list of project ideas, just have a look at [0].

Please note that we require any applying student to get a patch into
sympy [1]. To do this, you could choose an easy-to-fix issue [2].


[0] https://github.com/sympy/sympy/wiki/GSoC-2011-Ideas
[1] http://sympy.org/development.html
[2] http://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/list?q=label:EasyToFix

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