On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 11:30 PM, Alexey U. Gudchenko <pr...@goodok.ru>wrote:

> 26.04.2011 19:24, Haz пишет:
>> What about having our own (light) warning functionality -- goes to
>> standard
>> out under normal circumstances, and any testing can (and probably should)
>> disable the output of the warning.
> I do not understand exactly the purposes for our own warning functionality.
> I note that warnings can be used for:
> a) for our development and debugging
> b) for end-user whom use sympy as CAS with IPython (e.g. about sympy
> version, or deprectations)
> c) for end-user about environment (e.g. about absence about some modules)
> d) for users whom use SymPy as module.
> and so on.
> I can agree that for a)-c) our  warning functionality can be used somehow,
> but for exterior usage d) they will be operate with standard warning module.
> And BTW, I have just now read the documentation [1], and can advise to
> Chris how temporary to suppress the warning messages while doctest'ing:
>    $ python -Wignore ./bin/doctest
> I still get the warning:
    > \Python27\python.exe -Wignore bin\test geometry

    ============================= test process starts

    executable:   C:\Python27\python.exe  (2.7.1-final-0)
    ground types: python

    sympy\geometry\tests\test_geometry.py[9] ..ff..Warning: Polygons may
intersect p
    roducing erroneous output
    Warning: Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output
    ...                          [OK]

    ======== tests finished: 7 passed, 2 expected to fail, in 2.53 seconds

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