
On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 2:02 PM, Aaron S. Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So there has been some discussion recently, both on and off list, as to what 
> SymPy is and what it should be.  That is why I think that we need to have a 
> mission statement, which clearly outlines what SymPy is and where it should 
> go.
> Fortunately, I think we have really had one all along.  I think the standard 
> description of SymPy at the top of our website, the Google Code page, and a 
> bunch of other places is a perfect mission statement.  This is it, except I 
> have added "open source," because I think that's important to have in there.
> "SymPy is an open source Python library for symbolic mathematics. It aims to 
> become a full-featured computer algebra system (CAS) while keeping the code 
> as simple as possible in order to be comprehensible and easily extensible. 
> SymPy is written entirely in Python and does not require any external 
> libraries."
> To break this up into its component parts:
> "SymPy is an open source…"
> SymPy is BSD licensed, which means that people can incorporate the code in 
> non-open source projects.  This is a good thing, because it lets people use 
> SymPy who otherwise wouldn't be able to.  BSD is a good choice for libraries 
> like SymPy.  But the core library code should always be open source.  I don't 
> think anyone would disagree with this, but it's important to have it in the 
> statement.
> … Python library…"
> SymPy should be written in Python.  See below.
> "… for symbolic mathematics. It aims to become a full-featured computer 
> algebra system (CAS)…""
> This is one of the places where we have had disagreements recently. The core 
> goal of SymPy is to become a full-featured CAS.  This means that we should 
> try to become just as powerful as any of the great CASs out there, like 
> Maple, Mathematica, Axiom, etc.  So if you could see something being 
> implemented in one of those, then it can be implemented in SymPy to.  Just 
> take a look at the diversity of our GSoC projects this year.  Some of them 
> are very core CAS, like the Groebner bases project or the Meijer G-Function 
> integration project.  Others are a little more external, like the quantum 
> projects or the PyDy project.  But these all belong on SymPy because they are 
> things that you could easily see being part of a CAS like Maple, and they all 
> relate to symbolic manipulation.
> We have things that are not directly related to symbolic manipulation, like 
> the mpmath numerical library and plotting.  But of course, these things 
> belong in a CAS (it's hard to imagine Maple or Mathematica being unable to do 
> plotting, for example).
> "… while keeping the code as simple as possible in order to be comprehensible 
> and easily extensible."
> I don't think there is much to elaborate on here, and I doubt many people 
> will disagree with this.  One thing that I want to mention is that the fact 
> that SymPy is written in Python, which is a very clean language, means that 
> the algorithms will be very easy to read. Python also makes the source code 
> very accessible.  So it is very easy for someone to dig in and learn how 
> something works.
> "SymPy is written entirely in Python and does not require any external 
> libraries."
> This is important.  You should be able to use SymPy with nothing but Python 
> installed.  Sure, some features might require some external library or 
> further dependencies (like plotting for example), but you should be able to 
> use the core functionality of SymPy with nothing but Python.
> The lack of any required external dependencies is also important.  It makes 
> it very easy to use SymPy anywhere.  For example, a high school student could 
> use SymPy on his personal account on the school computers, so long as those 
> computer have Python installed, even if he doesn't have any administrative 
> privileges on those computers, simply by downloading the tarball and running 
> isympy out of the bin directory.      I'm sure others will have some examples 
> of why this is a good idea.

I 100% agree with this mission statement.

I would add, that the most obvious addition to sympy is numpy, scipy,
ipython, matplotlib. Those are old, well known and tested libraries,
with large community around them. So these 4 libraries + sympy should
create much of what most people use Mathematica for, as far as the
engine is concerned (e.g. sympy being a library).

Modules like pydy, quantum and geometric algebra add a lot of added
value to SymPy, that Mathematica doesn't have (at least not yet).


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