Just a reminder to students that this means that you need to blog at some point 
this week.  You don't have to do it until the end of the day on Saturday.  But 
it's just a reminder that it needs to be done. 

If you don't have anything to blog about because you haven't done much yet, 
then a suggestion would be to blog a little bit about what you hope to achieve 
this summer with your project.  

Aaron Meurer

On May 23, 2011, at 5:02 PM, Aaron Meurer wrote:

> Hi.
> This is just a reminder to our nine Google Summer of Code students,
> the mentors, and to the community in general, that Google Summer of
> Code has official started as of today.  The list of accepted projects
> and student blogs is at
> https://github.com/sympy/sympy/wiki/Gsoc-2011-report.  Good luck to
> all students and happy coding!
> Aaron Meurer

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