Mac:sympy sherjilozair$ git checkout cholesky
Switched to branch 'cholesky'
Mac:sympy sherjilozair$ bin/isympy
Segmentation fault
Mac:sympy sherjilozair$ git diff
Mac:sympy sherjilozair$

I tried it with a non-experimental branch. It still doesn't work. That
means, the sympy code is fine.

>>> import gmpy
>>> int(gmpy.mpz(2**256))
>>> int(gmpy.mpz(2**512))
>>> import numpy
>>> import scipy
>>> import sympy
Segmentation fault
Mac:sympy sherjilozair$

numpy/scipy/gmpy work fine.

What are Sympy's dependencies ? There seems to be a problem with one
of the dependencies. My guess is Cython, but I don't know much about

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