Hi sympy folk,

I've been writing a new class, DifferentialOperator, in
sympy.physics.quantum. It takes a symbol (or string to sympify) as an
argument, and it is non-commutative (this is all you really need to know for
this discussion).

At some point when doing representations of momentum operators in a position
basis, we produce an expression like
DiracDelta(x-x_1)*DiracDelta(x_1-x_2)*DifferentialOperator(x_1), where x,
x_1, and x_2 are all symbols. When I try to integrate this over x_1, I get
the output:

(x_1, -oo, oo))
DiracDelta(x - x_2) * DifferentialOperator(oo)

when we expect instead DiracDelta(x - x_2) * DifferentialOperator(x).

After some hunting in the code, I think I've isolated this to the behavior
of as_independent, which is called in the process of integration. If you run

>>> f = DiracDelta(x-x_1)*DiracDelta(x_1-x_2)*DifferentialOperator(x_1)
>>> f.as_independent(x_1)
(DifferentialOperator(x_1), DiracDelta(x - x_1)â‹…DiracDelta(x_1 - x_2))

So, even though DifferentialOperator(x_1) depends on x_1 (x_1 appears in its
free_symbols, and has(x_1) returns True) it still gets separated out as
and is thus treated as a coefficient in the integral.

Does someone who is more familiar with this code know what's going on? Is
this desired behavior because the DifferentialOperator is non-commutative,
or is there a bug in as_independent?

Thanks for your help!


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