On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Chris Smith <smi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Aaron Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone.
>> As many of you may know, the main thing blocking the merge of my work
>> on the Risch algorithm (see my integration3 branch) is not any
>> deficiency in the algorithm, though there are several parts that are
>> still not implemented, but the lack of a so called "atomic
>> substitution" framework.  The relevant issue here is 2026
>> (http://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/detail?id=2026).
>> Basically, the following breaks the preprocessing code in risch_integrate:
>> In [1]: exp(2*x).subs(exp(x), y)
>> Out[1]:
>>  2
>> y
>> I need a way for subs to behave exactly, so the above would return
>> exp(2*x).   Thus, I have disabled this completely in my integration3
>> branch, but this is only a temporary solution, as there is a lot of
>> code that relies on this behavior (especially in the series/limits
>> code), and it would be a regression anyway.
>> So there needs to be a way to do
>> >>> exp(2*x).subs(exp(x), y, atomic=True)
>> exp(2*x)
> I would call it `exact`, not `atomic` since Atom already has a precise
> meaning in sympy. (cf issue 2026.)

I originally called this exact, but I though atomic was a better name
because of the invariant with .atoms().  Actually, thinking about
this, exact might still be a better name.

>> Now, as it turns out, it has come up in other places that people want
>> control over the way that subs works in other ways.  In the issue, I
>> talk about something called integer_powers, which would work like
>> >>> exp(2*x).subs(exp(x), y, integer_powers=True)
>> y**2
>> >>> exp(x).subs(exp(2*x), y, integer_powers=True)
>> exp(x)
> I would call this `extractive` and allow only changes that
> extract_multiplicatively or extract_additively allow as applicable. Those
> extractive functions are suppose to only do extractions that `retain the
> original form` so a fraction shouldn't be extracted from an integer. Those
> are changes that I implemented in t2 which never made it to sympy. This
> would also apply to powers since the substitution code for powers would only
> work if the exponent of the old pattern were multiplcatively extractable
> from the expression.

Well, integer_powers isn't that great of a name, but extractive
doesn't seem to be much better imo.  But anyway, the actual names are
irrelevant at this point, as they would be easy to change.

>> In other words, it does not do power manipulation in the replacement
>> unless the resulting power is an integer.  This is needed in some
>> places such as the heurisch algorithm to ensure that the resulting
>> expression will be a polynomial (actually, a rational function) in the
>> substitution variable.  In addition, there is also some concern about
>> the assumptions validity of certain algebraic substitution rules.  See
>> issues 2081 and 2552.
>> So in the interest of doing this right, I think there needs to be some
>> kind of hints mechanism to subs.  My question is, what do you think
>> would be the best way to implement this?  Presently the expand
>> function has something like this, but I'm not really convinced that
>> the way that it's implemented is a very good one.
>> Here's (roughly) the way that subs works now:  Basic defines two
>> methods, .subs and ._eval_subs.  Basic.subs() is of course the user
>> level function that everyone calls, and pretty much no subclass of
>> Basic overrides it.  The actual substitution happens in ._eval_subs,
>> which is also responsible for recursing the substitution down the
>> .args.  Basic has a simple implementation, but most classes end up
>> overriding it (for example, exp has overridden it to allow the above
>> fancy algebraic substitution).
>> What's the best way to implement the various hints I want to add to
>> .subs()?  A few things to take into consideration:
>> - .expand() works, as I mentioned earlier, by having
>> ._eval_expand_hint() methods.  I don't think this is the best way, so
>> that's why I'm asking here to see if anyone has any better ideas.
>> - It should remain backwards compatible with any class that defines
>> ._eval_subs(self, old, new).  Unfortunately, there wasn't much
>> foresight when this was originally designed, so the protocol does not
>> call for any *args or **kwargs.  However, that doesn't necessarily
>> weigh those options out, as we could easily make Basic.subs() check
>> for an old style definition and ignore hints in that case.
>> - I haven't looked at it, but we might be able to implement at least
>> atomic substitution entirely in Basic (no class need override any
>> methods to get it to work).  This is because it is so simple that the
>> default agnostic method might be able to do it entirely.  The rule for
>> atomic substitution by the way is that expr.subs(old, new,
>> atomic=True) should replace old with new in expr if and only if old is
>> in expr.atoms(old.__class__).
>> So I'm open to any ideas on how to implement this, API-wise.
>> Also, Chris, did you start this at all in any of your branches and/or
>> are you willing to help with this?
> My t2 had exact and atomic (sympy's def of atomic) implemented and *explicit
> algebraic* implemented which you reviewed but didn't want to get ready for
> 0.7 ( http://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/detail?id=2026#c5 ) In trying to
> resurrect that I did a general cleanup in pull
> request https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/234 that stalled with no further
> suggestions from anyone but no clear +1. [Of course I am biased, but I like
> the organization of that request and would have used the hint given to subs
> to call the correct _eval_subs_foo routine. (If you read the final comment I
> made maybe you will understand the organization and whether Ronan's comments
> are valid or not.)]
> I think 3 _eval_subs_foo routines would be needed: _eval_subs_atomic,
> _eval_subs_exact, _eval_subs_extract ... and maybe the existing eval_subs if
> the extract doesn't match the expected current behavior. Also, `exact` and
> `atomic` might be made the same with a slight overhead by checking if expr
> is Atom or Function instead of just Atom.

Well, you need to consider scalability.  Right now, there are three
methods, but it could grow.  I already think we might need a forth
hint, which would probably be called force, which ignores assumptions
(e.g., in issue 2552, (sqrt(x)*sqrt(y)).subs(x*y, z, force=True) would
produce sqrt(z) even if x and y are assumed to be complex). And I
could easily imagine the use of even more fine grained control.

expand() does this, with a lot of hints, and it's not a very good
system in my opinion.  Unlike expand(), subs wouldn't be called in
multiple passes for each hint, but nonetheless, I still see the system
as one that could be improved (though how, I am still not yet sure).

Aaron Meurer

> If you like what I've already done I might be able to be of help. Check out
> my t2 branch and https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/234
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