Hey guys,

I was reading the recent thread between Aaron and Sam, and noticed Aaron
asked a question about why you'd want to implement a parser for SymPy.  This
is something I've thought about a lot, since I built two projects that
implement parsers for calculating languages (calculize.com and encalc.com --
Encalc uses SymPy, in fact).  I'm thinking of starting a new project,
tentatively called SymPyScript, that would implement a parser from a new
language "SymPyScript" to Python + SymPy + perhaps other libraries.

What's the benefit?  Well, for example, what if you could write this:

    (3x^2 + ln(x))'

...and it'd compile to this:

    x = Symbol("x")
    diff(3 * x**2 + ln(x), x)

Or this:

    x^2 - 2x === 3

...and it'd compile to this:

    x = Symbol("x")
    solve(x**2 - 3*x - 2, x)

Or more complicated things I haven't yet thought of.

Wouldn't that be cool?  I think so.  It'd be nice to have for a
workbook-style REPL.  Just some food for thought, to get people thinking
about new ideas.

- Jeff

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