The scope of the docstring is all code within the docstring, so
perhaps a variable was defined a certain way that you are not aware of
some lines away from the test of interest. When I try these, the name
for x_2 doesn't make any difference, but making n an integer does:

plain n
>>> simplify(integrate(x_2*sin(n*pi*x_2/L)**2*2/L, (x_2, 0, L)))
L*(pi**2*n**2 - 2*pi*n*sin(pi*n)*cos(pi*n) + sin(pi*n)**2)/(2*pi**2*n**2)

integer n
>>> n=Symbol('n',integer=1)
>>> simplify(integrate(x_2*sin(n*pi*x_2/L)**2*2/L, (x_2, 0, L)))


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