Thanks a lot, I had that silly error too.

On Oct 16 2010, 1:33 am, Ondrej Certik <> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 8:48 PM, HappyMac <> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > I am new to SymPy and trying to learning how to use.
> > I have installed the latest SymPy (v. 0.6.7) and tried the following
> > Python script:
> >
> > from sympy import Symbol
> > from math import *
> ^^^ Never ever use implicit imports (if possible). By writing this explicitly:
> from math import sqrt, exp
> it becomes clear, what is happening:
> > x = Symbol('x')
> > i = 0
> > prior = 1 / sqrt(2*pi) * exp(-1*x**2 / 2)
> You are using math.exp() here, so it needs a floating point number,
> but sympy doesn't know how to convert "x" to a floating point number,
> thus you get the exception below. The solution is to replace the line
> from math import sqrt, exp
> with
> from sympy import sqrt, exp
> > p = 1 / (1 + exp(-1*discriminations[i]*(x - difficulties[1])))
> > q = 1 - p
> > posterior = prior * q
> > print posterior
> > But, when I ran this Python code, I got the following error message:
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >  File "/Applications/eclipse/plugins/
> > org.python.pydev.debug_1.5.7.2010050621/pysrc/", line 978, in
> > <module>
> >['file'], None, None)
> >  File "/Applications/eclipse/plugins/
> > org.python.pydev.debug_1.5.7.2010050621/pysrc/", line 780, in
> > run
> >    execfile(file, globals, locals) #execute the script
> >  File "/Users/yjlee/Documents/Worx/EclipseWorx/SymPyProjects/src/
> >", line 44, in <module>
> >    prior = 1 / sqrt(2*pi) * exp(-1*x**2 / 2)
> >  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/sympy/core/", line
> > 2103, in __float__
> >    raise ValueError("Symbolic value, can't compute")
> > ValueError: Symbolic value, can't compute
> > All I was trying to do was to get a product of two functions, and I
> > could not figure out what I did wrong.
> > Could anyone tell me what I did wrong?
> Ondrej

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