23.11.2011 19:33, Alexey U. Gudchenko пишет:
> 23.11.2011 18:21, Harry Rickards пишет:
> Greetings.
> Feel free to submit pull requests even if the task is almost done or
> just pull request only preliminary, to view and discuss (if you are not
> afraid that the code will be stolen by others.) This gives more
> specifics about the discussion.
> If the work with the branch will be proceeded further, there is not
> needed to close/recreate pull request, but just add commits in your
> branch and push them to your github remote. Pull request is updated
> automatically,
> It will be well if the documentation string will like like in the numpy
> [1], but the plugin for sphinx must be implemented for it.
> As I see your task titled ``See Also`` feature in integrals, is market
> as easy, and there are also unrelated similar tasks in the task list:
> `See Also`` feature in Number Theory
> ``See Also`` feature in Combinotorics
> ``See Also`` feature in integrals
> ``See Also`` feature in functions
> ``See Also`` feature in functions/special
> ``See Also`` feature in Matrices
> So it is unrelated with doc generation. But carefully adhere to one
> format in the whole file
> .
>     See Also
>     --------
>     .submatrix()   : extract block from Matrix
>     .T, diag()

And note that the above format is an example: in the issue tracker the
format is defined as:

    See Also

    :class:`someclass`, :function:`somefunction`

    (use class or function depending on what that object actually is)

However, the exact format depends on how the shinx will be works
correctly with this section.

> [1] https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/doc/HOWTO_DOCUMENT.rst.txt
>> Hi,
>> I've been working on bug #2776 (
>> http://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/detail?id=2776) for Google Code-In 
>> (see 
>> http://google-melange.appspot.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2011/7132296). 
>> I think I've finished it, however before I submit a pull request I'd just 
>> like to confirm something. In sphinx, the "See Also" section is put into a 
>> yellow box, like the example in the bug report. However, the text inside 
>> the yellow box doesn't change (i.e it remains :function:`foobar`). Should 
>> this text change to something more user-friendly, or is it just meant to 
>> stay as it is?
>> Many Thanks
>> Harry Rickards <hricka...@gmail.com>

Alexey U.

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