Lately there has been some efforts to standardize docstrings in SymPy.
The effort has been pretty successful (more info: [1]), but some
questions remain open, so I thought it might be worth asking what the
community thinks. Here are the questions:

1. Should the summary be on the same line as the opening quotes ("""),
or on the next line?
2. Should there be a blank line after every section header?
3. Should the order of sections be predefined or left to the
discretion of the developers.

Here are my preferences:

1. I would put the summary on the same line as the opening quotes. I
use vim folding [3], so when i open a python file, i see only function/
class definitions and the first line of docstrings (because they are
the first line of the new indentation level). Thus i can get quick
overview of a file.
2. I would put a blank line after every section header, because it
makes it more readable.
3. I think that predefined section order is a good thing, because the
consistency makes information easier to find (you know where to look
for it). SciPy/NumPy section order [2] could be used.

Luckily none of these conventions would make developer's work any
harder. Quite the contrary - it is easier to do the right thing if you
know what the right thing is.


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