It's not clear what exactly you want to do.  Here are some
suggestions, though, that may or may not be what you want.

- To parse an expression given in string form into a SymPy object, us
the sympify() function:

In [12]: sympify("a*12 + 50*c")
Out[12]: 12⋅a + 50⋅c

Note that I did not have a or c defined at all before doing this.
sympify() does that automatically.

- To replace symbols with numerical values, use .subs():

In [17]: (a * 12 + 50*c - (456 + b)).subs({a:10, b:20})
Out[17]: 50⋅c - 356

You can also define them as Python variables as you did above too, but
this gives you more flexibility, as you can symbolically manipulate
the expression with a and b before substituting the values, and it
will be easier to put in different values later this way.

- There are two ways to do a == b in SymPy.  You can do as I did above
and subtract one side from the other.  Or, you can use the Eq() class:

In [18]: solve(Eq(a * 12 + 50*c, 456 + b), c)
⎡  6⋅a   b    228⎤
⎢- ─── + ── + ───⎥
⎣   25   50    25⎦

The lhs - rhs method is a little better, because it will play nicer
with other operations (e.g., right now, to add something to both sides
of an Equation, you have to do Eq(obj.lhs + expr, obj.rhs + expr)).

- Right now, sympify() doesn't support converting == to Eq() or lhs -
rhs.  I created
for it.  It should not be hard to do it by hand, though.  You could
use the re module to replace (.*) == (.*) with Eq(\1, \2) or \1 - (\2)
(note the parentheses are necessary in the second one to make sure the
- applies over the whole right-hand side.

Do any of these answer your question?

Aaron Meurer

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 4:07 AM, Bjorn <> wrote:
> Hi, I am new to sympy and I have a basic question.
> I would like to use sympy to sovle simple sets of equations in a text
> editor.
> like given the following as plain text:
> a = 10
> b = 20
> a * 12 + 50*c == 456 + b
> and an instruction to solve for c, then ptorduce:
> c = 7.12
> I know sympy comes with a solver that can solve systems of f(x)=0,
> but in the problem above the third equation needs to be rewritten for
> this to work.
> To me, this seems as something that might have been done before?
> Id be grateful for directing me to a resource or telling me how or why
> this is harder than it seems.
> Sincerely,
> Bjorn
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