09.01.2012 02:03, smichr:
> Is there any reason that we should return something other than -2 for
> the cube root of -8?
>>>> root(-8,3)
> 2*(-1)**(1/3)
>>>> _.n()
> 1.0 + 1.73205080756888*I

Or, instead of n():

>>> expand_complex(root(-8, 3))
1 + sqrt(3)*I

This is a question of definitions and conventions:

The cite:

The schoolbook definition of the cube root of a negative number is
 (-x)^(1/3) = - (x)^(1/3).

However, extension of the cube root into the complex plane gives a
branch cut along the negative real axis for the principal value of the
cube root.

By convention, "the" (principal) cube root is therefore a complex number
with positive imaginary part.

As a result, Mathematica and other symbolic algebra programs that return
results valid over the entire complex plane therefore return complex
results for (-1)^(1/3).

For example, in Mathematica, ComplexExpand[(-1)^(1/3)] gives the result
1/2 + i*sqrt(3)/2.

Informally, the term "principal root" is often used to refer to the root
of unity having smallest positive complex argument.

Wolfram alpha gives the same:

So I see, that SymPy follows the Mathematica. (Although it is not
standard gauge)

1. SymPy assumes that results valid over the entire complex plane. (This
is a global assumption)

2. SymPy has 'expand_complex' function, to clarify the excat value of
"principal roots"

3. And also. I suppose, that the common rule is: to use common
expression (-1)^(1/3) in the intermediate expressions as long as
possible, and use the concrete value in complex as late as possible.
(But it is not used when we calculate roots of positive 1.)

> Of course real_root was written to work around this, but if odd powers
> just removed a simple negative it wouldn't be necessary.
>>>> real_root(-8,3)
> -2
> Note that the -1 does not always appear raised to the fractional
> power:
>>>> root(-8,3)
> 2*(-1)**(1/3)
>>>> root(-9,3)
> (-9)**(1/3)

The last, I think, is a question, what the expression is simpler:
    3**(2/3) * (-1)**(1/3)

> When I make the change to make things like root(-8, 3) return -2, no
> tests fail. Is this a change we should make?

Although I am not sure about above conversions (the questions are about
above rule (3) for even principal roots for positive and negative
numbers, and principal roots of positive unity which are exp(2*pi*i/n),

But I rely upon Mathematica's conversions, so I think we might leave it
as it is now.

Alexey U.

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