The Theano <> project
that might be relevant in this discussion.

Theano is a python project that represents array computation as an abstract
syntax tree of symbolic objects. It has a series of "optimizers" that walk
over and change the graph on request. Its an interesting model and serves
their purposes well.

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 8:35 PM, <> wrote:
> I would like to point out that the immutability of the core need not
> change if we follow the propositions in this discussion.
> In my opinion the important point here is the implementation of
> abstract syntax trees for sympy. The minor (from mathematical point of
> view) details about whether it should be immutable tree or whether
> side effects and assignments should be allowed in the tree (hopefully
> not!) are secondary.
> The use of ASTs seems like the right way to fix
> We can have identity crawler that does not change the tree (just
> returns a copy). The current crawlers (just what Add and Mul do, but
> much better abstracted). Simplification and canonization crawlers.
> Special crawler options specific to an object (Units subclass politely
> asking the crawler to be placed last). Now every time that we need
> some canonization we subclass Expr. It is not a scalable solution at
> all.
> Example:
> Special treatment of Units in Mul
> The subclassed Quantum Expr in the quantum module.
> The need for MatExpr, MatAdd, MatMul... It is a good solution for the
> current state of the code but it is ugly and it does not scale (what
> happens when I want both matrices and kets in my expression?)
> The existence of AST would make the implementation of abstract
> multilinear algebra or group theory much easier as there won't be any
> need for subclassing Expr. Just writing a crawler for the tree should
> be sufficient. It won't be less work, but the incompatibility between
> the subclasses of Expr will be evaded.
> On 26 February 2012 16:58, Joachim Durchholz <> wrote:
>> Am 26.02.2012 20:05, schrieb Sergiu Ivanov:
>>> As a functional programming beginner and fan, I can't but agree.  I
>>> was actually quite happy when I heard for the first time that SymPy
>>> had immutable core, because that allows for much clearer and better
>>> structured code (at least I see it so).
>> Hm... there's the question what an "immutable core" actually is. Is it
>> mathematical objects that the user sees, or is it an internal API for
>> programmers?
>> In the former case, I'd avoid mutability. It's just a conceptual hassle,
>> makes semantics-preserving transformations harder (as soon as references
>> involved, prohibitively hard for a project of SymPy's scale - you need
>> analysis, and compiler teams spend person-decades on that kind of stuff).
>> In the latter case, there's nothing wrong with it. Sure, coding just with
>> immutable data is fun and far less error-prone, but Python is not built
>> that coding style; I suspect such code would be very clean but not very
>> efficient.
>>> I'd like to ask the question which I believe to be very important:
>>> what would be the benefit of having a mutable core?
>> That's an interesting question, yes.
>> And the first one that should be asked whenever important changes are
>> undertaken, and the first one to look for an answer for.
>> Just my 2c.
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