09.03.2012 03:05, krastanov.ste...@gmail.com пишет:
> It seems that this is not sustainable because 1. Adding too much
> stuff to Mul and Add 
> https://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/detail?id=1941

Current situation with the flatten, how I imagine it.
Correct me If I am mistaken.

1. `flatten` is the method for associative operations `AssocOp`.

    (a op b) op c == a op (b op c) == a op b op c.

`Add` and `Mul` are inherited from AssocOp, which in its turns is
inherited from Expr.

See picture

2. The original aim for this method was the flatting of the associative
operation trees (the 'name-token' about it.):

 Add( x, Add(y, z)) --> Add(x, y, z)

This logic is implemented in AssocOp.flatten

3. Then  the commutative and non-commutative symbols was introduced, so
the `flatten` return a few lists: commutative, non commutative.

(Additionally the `order_symbols` is resulted.)

4. Then the problem was raised how to check an equality of two `Expr`

x + y = y + z

This problem was solved with the help of the hashes. Hash of the `Add` is
basically hash of the tuple of argument's hashes.

hash(Add(x, y)) == hash(Add.args).

5. The problem of the equality 'x + y' and 'y + x' (commutative case),
was solved with the aim of so-called `canonical ordering` of arguments.

Note, that this sorting is something random and unexpected, because it
is simply based on the sorting of python's hashes (and therefore it
depends on the machine and bits)

Also, there is this comment in code of Add.flatten

        # order args canonically
        # Currently we sort things using hashes, as it is quite fast. A
        # solution is not to sort things at all - but this needs some more
        # fixing. NOTE: this is used in primitive, too, so if it changes
        # here it should be changed there.

In PR 722 I successfully remove this sorting.

6. Note, that ordering of the arguments is implemented and for printing
system also, independently.
(display the objects in a standard sort)

Also sorting of terms is used in classes such as polynomials by them own

So, the `Canonicalization` is used in a few places and have variouse
aims, (And the aim `help with campare objects` of canonicalization
encapsulated in flatten, not in the hash calculation, is falsly I think)

7. Also, in the constructors of `Add` and `Mul` (in `flatten` now),
there is the so called `simplification-on-the-fly` algorithms.

In particular:
a) Add.flatten: collect similar terms in (x + 2y + 3x --> 4x + 2y)
b) Mul.flatten: convert 1/(x*y) --> x**(-1)*y**(-1)


We should document and *split* tasks, aims and implementation for:

- flatten
- hashing for comparison
- canonical sorting (for printing, or polytools)
- simplification-on-the-fly
- commutative, non-commutative cases problems.

If we can split the flatten, then (I think) there are no problems with

**It seems that this is not sustainable because 1. Adding too much stuff
to Mul and Add

Just polymorph those methods for other objects.

> Commutativity also means that the order of the final expression can
(and should)
> be canonicalized, so that it's easy to assert that x*y == y*x

I think no, we shouldn't.
The comparison algorithm must be separated from `flatten` method.

It can be implemented with the help of hash calculation function,
so it is sufficient to encapsulate the sorting function to the

Alexey U.

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