> Which one of these you like most?  There are already on-going
> discussions on both of these topics (for example, [0] and [1], but
> there are more), you may find looking at them useful.
I'd like to implement parsers, since I have no background in symbolic
integration. Thanks for references.

> A lot depends on the task you choose.  Neither of the tasks you list
> requires knowledge in physics; parsing does not require mathematical
> knowledge, but you need to have the proper background in parsers.
But in general. There are also many ideas from different branches of
mathematics; I am just interested if a solid appropriate background
required for all tasks, or students can catch up on a theoretical
basis during the GSOC.

> If you are asking whether now is the right time to write the patch,
> then the answer is "Yes, sure".
Excuse me, I am not good in english. I wonder how many time has
applicant to write a patch?

> Are you subscribed to SymPy Google Group?  If not, you should
> definitely do that.
Already subscribed.

Thanks for your reply.

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