On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 2:04 AM, Aaron Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So an ideal class structure would represent this.  CommutativeRing
> would derive from Ring, but not all subclasses of Ring would be
> subclasses of CommutativeRing.

Totally right.

> It may make sense to have Ring derive
> from Ideal.  If you remove important aspects like the multiplicative
> identity, it ceases to be a ring, which is why we have all these other
> lesser classes like Ideals.

I wouldn't agree that "ideal" is a more general notion that a "ring",
mostly because one cannot define "ideal" out of the context of a

Therefore, if a ring is unital by definition, I maintain that no
inheritance should be introduced between Ring and Ideal.


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