On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Aaron Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just mean it doesn't have to be subs that does this.  It could be
> some other method, like replace, or something new.  I'm not sure if
> such functionality belongs as a hint to subs or as a different method.

Not sure, but we have subs, replace, xreplace and transform that all
handle different situations involving substitution. I think that
things could get a little confusing if this were all wrapped into

Maybe this case isn't too bad, however. It represents old/new being
callable/callable if this is detected it could just be passed off to
replace. So `(1 - cos(x) + cos(2*x)).subs(cos, lambda x: 1 - x**2/2)`
-> `-3*x**2/2 + 1`.

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