Hi everyone.

I just merged pull request https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/1379,
which enables hash randomization by default in the test runner.  What
this means is that if you are running Python 2.6.8, 2.7.3, 3.2.3, or
3.3, then you are going to start seeing a lot of test failures.  Hash
randomization randomizes the hash values of strings, which results in
random hash values of all SymPy objects.  Because we still rely on
hash values for ordering in a lot of places, this means that there are
a lot of failures when it is enabled.

In order to facilitate sane testing with this, hash randomization is
seeded.  However, the only way to seed it is to set the environment
variable PYTHONHASHSEED before starting Python.  Therefore, when the
tests are run in one of the above Python versions, they are not run in
a separate subprocess.  If this is a problem for anyone, or if you
desire to disable hash randomization, you can run the tests with
./bin/test --no-subprocess or ./bin/doctest --no-subprocess.  Note
that in all Python versions after 3.3 it will be enabled by default.

So here are some important things to remember:

- The test and doctest headers now looks like this:

============================= test process starts ==============================
executable:         /usr/bin/python3  (3.2.3-candidate-2)
architecture:       64-bit
cache:              yes
ground types:       python
random seed:        45250937
hash randomization: on (PYTHONHASHSEED=61944319)

Notice the new item at the bottom, "hash randomization".  The seed is
given there too.  If hash randomization is not supported (e.g., in
Python 2.5), it will say "hash randomization: off".

- To run the tests with a specific seed, set the environment variable, like

$ PYTHONHASHSEED=61944319 python bin/test

- Note that the tests and doctests are run in separate subprocesses
with separate seeds with setup.py test.

- To reproduce failures, you need both the same seed *and* the same
architecture (32-bit or 64-bit), because both are used to compute hash

- Finally, there is a pretty bad bug with some seeds where test_expand
hangs.  We should put priority on this, but until then, you may want
to run the tests with --timeout=60 to timeout any test that runs for
longer than a minute.

Let's keep a log of all failures and seeds that can reproduce them at
http://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/detail?id=3272 (or if it would
be easier, we could start a wiki page for them).  Any help fixing any
of these problems would be greatly appreciated.  We cannot release
until they are all fixed (and conversely, once they are all fixed, we
should be able to get a release candidate out almost right away).
Hopefully we won't have to resort to any XFAILing.

And lastly, if anyone has any thoughts on how we could canonically
order the arguments of Add and Mul independent of hash values, but is
still just as fast as hash values, I would love to hear it.  If we
could do that, it would make fixing these errors a lot easier (on the
other hand, maybe we would be better off design-wise if we made
everything .arg ordering agnostic).

Aaron Meurer

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