> I think it works well. Would you mind posting your current script?
> So that I can set it up on my server as well.
OK, however it will not do much good - what is tested by your server
will not be tested by mine and vice-versa. So running it on two
machines would be useful only if there are too many pull requests to
be tested.


> I think that your sympy-bot installation is using
> randomized hashes, right? It's important to have one such set of tests
> to discover the hash() bugs.
It is using randomized hashes because the test runner uses them by
default (since yesterday, thanks to a pull request done by Aaron).

In detail:
- python2.5, 32bit, without additional installed modules, without hash
randomization because it is not supported in 2.5
- python2.7.3, 64bit, with numpy, gmpy, matplotlib, with hash randomization
- python3.2.3, 64bit, without additional installed modules, with hash

So we have both tests with and without hash randomization at the
moment on both architectures.
Off topic: Just because of how silly it would be I would also start
testing on a RasberyPie  ARM processor when I receive it in a month or

> I just donated $70 to Travis CI for sympy, so they will probably
> enable the pull request testing
> soon.

This is great. Is there actually a way to donate to sympy in order to
pay for stuff like this.

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