Hello. I have the following equations (all equal to zero) which I am
able to solve using SymPy for the Ep,De and La subscripted variables
after supplying the DeltaP() DeltaQ() and mu values:

2*Ep(0)/7 + Ep(1)/7 + 2*Ep(2)/35 + Ep(3)/70 - La(3)

Ep(0)/7 + 6*Ep(1)/35 + 9*Ep(2)/70 + 2*Ep(3)/35 + La(2) + 3*La(3)

2*Ep(0)/35 + 9*Ep(1)/70 + 6*Ep(2)/35 + Ep(3)/7 - La(1) - 2*La(2) - 3*La(3)

Ep(0)/70 + 2*Ep(1)/35 + Ep(2)/7 + 2*Ep(3)/7 + La(0) + La(1) + La(2) + La(3)

mu**3*La(3) - mu**2*La(2) + mu*La(1) + 2*De(0)/7 + De(1)/7 +
2*De(2)/35 + De(3)/70 - La(0)

-3*mu**3*La(3) + 2*mu**2*La(2) - mu*La(1) + De(0)/7 + 6*De(1)/35 +
9*De(2)/70 + 2*De(3)/35

3*mu**3*La(3) - mu**2*La(2) + 2*De(0)/35 + 9*De(1)/70 + 6*De(2)/35 + De(3)/7

-mu**3*La(3) + De(0)/70 + 2*De(1)/35 + De(2)/7 + 2*De(3)/7

-De(0) + DeltaP(0, 3) - DeltaQ(0, 0) + Ep(3)

mu*De(0) - mu*De(1) - mu*DeltaQ(1, 0) + DeltaP(1, 2) - Ep(2) + Ep(3)

-mu**2*De(0) + 2*mu**2*De(1) - mu**2*De(2) - mu**2*DeltaQ(2, 0) +
DeltaP(2, 1) + Ep(1) - 2*Ep(2) + Ep(3)

mu**3*De(0) - 3*mu**3*De(1) + 3*mu**3*De(2) - mu**3*De(3) -
mu**3*DeltaQ(3, 0) + DeltaP(3, 0) - Ep(0) + 3*Ep(1) - 3*Ep(2) + Ep(3)

I'd like to know how to get at the exact set of AX=B matrices that
solve() produces from the above to solve the equations.

In addition: in trying to figure out the matrix myself, I thought I
could use as_coefficients_dict() to get a dict of vars vs coeffs, but
I am not sure how to tell it that DeltaP/Q and mu are to be treated as
part of the coefficients and not variables...


Shriramana Sharma

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