OK so I run the following script, and I suppose it would be clear to
you what kind of output I expect from it if you read it, but if you
run it you will see that it does not do beautiful matrix printing.
Please indicate what I am doing wrong. (Or does latex_ex just not
support Matrices?) I am using SymPy 0.7.2 on Py 3.2.3 on Kubuntu
Precise with latest updates. I also have TeXLive 2012 installed (from

#! /usr/bin/env python3

from sympy import symbols, Matrix
from sympy . galgebra import latex_ex as tex

tex . Format ()
a = Matrix ( 2, 2, ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )
b = Matrix ( 2, 1, ( 5, 6 ) )
c = a * b
print ( a, "*", b, "=", c )

x, y = symbols ( 'x, y' )
d = Matrix ( 1, 2, ( x ** 3, y ** 3 ) )
e = Matrix ( 2, 2, ( x ** 2, 2 * x * y, 2 * x * y, y ** 2 ) )
f = d * e
print ( d, "*", e, "=", f )

tex . xdvi ()

Shriramana Sharma

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